Maatstaf. Jaargang 5(1957-1958)– [tijdschrift] Maatstaf– Auteursrechtelijk beschermd Vorige [pagina 864] [p. 864] Henriette Schuurbeque Boeye Two Poems Two Great Lovers Those wordless and dumb seers, from young child to Cats in old streets of Paris, and, on hills Of one-time Thracia goat and donkey still May halt, or swerve aside, or suddenly turn Back in their tracks as they see footmarks burn Where to their trysts those lovers hastened who, Wise with a wisdom which to lesser minds Seems foolishness, knew of no compromise, No ways less stern or reckless than left these Inviolate symbols: Nun's robe over flame Unquenched, that was the heart of Heloïse, And the head of that great Singer, on the seas, Through long-dead lips still calling the one name... My Grief and the World Though scarcely fathomed yet, God knows, I'd seen It mirrored in a hundred pitying eyes, And, seeing, marveled at a world so keen To cry another's sorrow to the skies. Till all its gifts I would have cast aside For a night unending by the pitiless sea, Where no man ever stemmed the outgoing tide, Or saw one star dimmed through his misery. Vorige