Capitulum VIII.
And there with alle syre launcelot kneled doune upon his knees and threwe awey his sheld and his suerd from hym. Whanne sire Percyval sawe hym doo so, he merveyled what he mened. And thenne thus he said, syre knyghte mat somever thow be, I requyre the upon the hyghe ordre of knyghthode telle me thy true name. Thenne he said so god me help my name is syre launcelot du lake kynge Bans sone of Benoy. Allas said syr Percyval what have I done, I was sente by the Quene for to seke yow, and soo y have soughte yow nygh this twe yere, and yonder is syre Ector de Marys your broder abydeth me on the other syde of the yonder water. Now for goddes sake said sire Percyval forgyve me myn offencys that I have here done, hit is soone forgyven said syre launcelot. Thenne syre Percyval sente for syr Ector de Marys. And whanne syr launcelot had a syghte of hym, he ranne unto hym and took hym in his armes, and thenne syr Ector kneled doune, and eyther wepte upon other that all had pyte to beholde them. Thenne came dame Elayne, and she there maade them grete chere as mygthe lye in her power, and there she told syr Ector and syr Percyval how and in what manere sir launcelot came in to that countrey. And how he was heled, and there hit was knowen how longe syr launcelot was with syre blyaunt and with syr Selyvant, and how he fyrste mette with them, and how he departed from them by cause of a bore, and how the heremyte heled syre launcelot of his grete wound, and how that he came to Corbyn.