Capitulum VI.
Thenne wente dame Elayne uty syr Launcelot and told hym alle how her fader had devysed for hym and her. Thenne cam the knyzt syr Castor that was nevewe unto kyng Pelles unto syr launcelot and asked hym what was his name. Sir said syr launcelot my name is le chevaler malfet that is to say the knyzt that hath trespaced. Sir said sir Castor it may wel be so, but ever me semeth your name shold be syr launcelot du lake, for or now I have sene yow. Sir said launcelot ye are not as a gentyl knyzt, I put caas my name were syr launcelot, and that it lyste me not to discover my name. What shold it greve yow here to kepe my counceyl, and ye not hurte ther by, but wete thou wel and ever it leye in my power I shal greve yow and that y promise you truly. Thenne sir Castor kneled doune and besouzt sir launcelot of mercy, for I shal never utter what ye be whyle that ye be in these parteys, thenne sire launcelot pardonned hym. And thenne after this knyge Pelles with x knyghtes, and dame Elayne, and twenty ladyes rode unto the castel of Blyaunt that stood in an Iland beclosed in yron with a fayr water depe and large. And whanne they were there, syr launcelot lete calle hit the Joyons yle, and there was he called none oter wyse, but Le chevaler malfet, the knyghte that hath trespaced. Thenne sire launcelot lete make hym a shelde alle of sabel, and a quene crowned in the myddes alle of sylver, and a knyghte clene armed knelyng afore her and every day ones for ony myrthes that alle the ladyes myzt make hym, he wold ones every day loke toward the realme of Logrys, where kynge Arthur and Quene Guenever was. And thenne wold he falle upon a wepyng as his hert shold to braste. Soo hit felle that tyme syr launcelot herd of a Justynge fast by his Castel within thre leghes, thenne he called unto hym a dwerf and he badde hym goo unto that Justynge, and or ever the knyghtes departe loke thow make there a crve in herynge of alle the knyghtes, that there