Jaarboek van de Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde, 1973
(1973)– [tijdschrift] Jaarboek van de Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde [1901-2000]–
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Colin Graham Botha
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dae van die v.o.c. gaande gemaak. Sy werk in die kantoor van die Weesheer het hom in aanraking gebring met nog ander dokumente uit daardie tyd wat gelê en stof opgaar het in 'n ou gebou in Buitenkantstraat. Aangesien die Weesheer af en toe 'n dokument onder hierdie ou stukke moes raadpleeg, en sulke dokumente uiters moeilik was om te vind, het Graham Botha aangebied om lyste op te stel van beskikbare dokumente. Hierdie werk het hy ná kantoorure en op Saterdagmiddae gedoen. Nadat Leibbrandt in 1908 as argivaris met pensioen afgetree het, is sy pos nie dadelik gevul nie en het 'n paar junior amptenare, onder wie ook Graham Botha, ná kantoorure gewerk aan die sortering en beskrywing van dokumente. Ná jare van harde werk het hy 'n deeglike verslag opgestel wat die aandag van die Argiefkommissie, wat deur die Departement van Binnelandse Sake beheer is, op hom gevestig het. Die Departement het Botha van die Departement van Justisie ‘geleen’ om ondersoek te te gaan instel na die dokumente wat in die magistraatskantore van Stellenbosch, Worcester, Grahamstad en elders bewaar gebly het. Terwyl hy besig was om verslae op te stel oor die vordering van hierdie werk, het die geluk hom te beurt geval om as lid van die regiment, bekend as die Dukes (Duke of Edinburgh's Own Rifles) die kroning van George v by te woon. Terwyl hy in Engeland was, het hy 'n halfjaar verlof aangevra en dit het hom in staat gestel om in 1911 op eie koste biblioteke en argiewe in Groot-Brittanje, Nederland en Duitsland te besoek. Ook is hy versoek om aan die Royal Commission on Public Records verslag te doen oor die Kaapse dokumente. Na sy terugkeer in Suid-Afrika het hy 'n rapport ingelewer oor sy werk in Europa en in April 1912 het die regering hom aangestel as eerste argivaris van die Unie van Suid-Afrika. In sy lewensherinneringe sê hy dat van nou af ‘Muller, Feith en Fruin’ sy vade mecum geword het. In die beginjare moes hy al die werk vinger-alleen doen. Hy was diep oortuig dat die versorging van sy dokumente een van die belangrikste take van 'n volk is, dat die beskawingspeil van 'n volk gemeet kan word aan die sorg wat aan die behoud van dokumente bestee word. Hy wou die regering oortuig dat daar 'n afsonderlike gebou moes wees vir die bewaring van dokumente. Baie min mense het iets geweet van argiefwese of van die belangrikheid en waarde van dokumente vir die geskiedskrywing. George McCall Theal en H.C. Vos Leibbrandt had reeds baie gedoen om hierdie leemte aan te vul, maar Graham Botha het gevoel dat hy deur artikels in allerhande tydskrifte te plaas, 'n breër publiek sou kan bereik. | |
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So het Graham Botha ‘in diens van die Argiewe’ begin skryf, soms onder sy eie naam, dikwels ook onder 'n skuilnaam. Op 5 Desember 1912 het hy sy eerste bydrae gelewer aan die Oudtshoorn Courant, oor Die wonings van ons voorouers en op 28 Desember van dieselfde jaar 'n artikel in Engels vir die South African Medical Record. Een van sy enigste bydraes in Nederlands het in De Goede Hoop van 1 Julie 1913 verskyn onder die opskrif Onze voorouders. So goed as al sy ander geskrifte wat in die loop van die jare die lig gesien het, is in Engels gestel, maar steeds was die doel van sy skrywe om veral die oudste Nederlandse bronne so ruim moontlik bekend te stel. Sy loopbaan as argivaris het dus hand aan hand gegaan met sy skrywersloopbaan. In die daaropvolgende jare het hy bydraes gelewer aan wetenskaplike tydskrifte soos die South African Law Journal, The Genealogist en The South African Medical Record, aan publikasies soos The South African Quarterly, The Nonggai en die Lady's Pictorial, sowel as aan dagblaaie soos die Cape Times en die Cape Argus. In De Kerkbode het in 1917 ook 'n Nederlandse bydrae De Hugenoten van Zuid-Afrika verskyn en dieselfde jaar het sy eerste boekie van 48 bladsye die lig gesien: Place names in the Cape district - their origin and history. Die drukkoste is gedra deur die South African National Society for the Preservation of Places of Historical Interest. Die jaar 1919 was 'n belangrike jaar in Graham Botha se lewe, toe hy hoofargivaris van die Unie van Suid-Afrika geword het. Dit het alle bronneversamelings, ook in die ander provinsies, onder sy beheer geplaas. Dit is ook die jaar waarin 'n begin gemaak is met die publikasie van bronne. Tewens het een van Graham Botha se belangrikste publikasies in dié jaar verskyn, naamlik sy The French refugees at the Cape. Om hom nog deegliker vir sy taak te bekwaam, het hy in April 1920 'n jaar oorsee gegaan, hierdie keer in opdrag van die regering en op regeringskoste. Die volgende jaar het 'n lywige verslag die lig gesien oor sy besoek aan argiewe in Europa, die v.s.a. en Kanada. Op versoek van die regering het hy ook sir Reginald Blanckenberg as sekretaris vergesel na die eerste sitting van die Volkebond in 1920. In die v.s.a. het hy besondere aandag gegee aan die argiewe in New York, Portland (Oregon), Seattle en Ottawa; en in Europa het hy argiewe in Nederland, België, Switserland, Italië en Duitsland besoek. Die konsep van ons eerste Argiefwet, no. 9 van 1922, was 'n uitvloeisel van hierdie bevindinge en is deur Graham Botha opgestel. 'n Argiefkommissie, bestaande uit tien lede en bygewoon deur die hoofargivaris, is as | |
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beherende liggaam in die lewe geroep. Die Argiefkommissie moes die belange van die argiewe behartig en die aandag van die regering vestig op noodsaaklike verbeteringe. So is in Bloemfontein de eerste brandvrye argiefgebou opgerig en is in Kaapstad die Universiteitsgebou in Koningin Victoriastraat aangekoop en brandvry gemaak om die oudste dokumente van Suid-Afrika 'n veilige bewaarplek te gee. Dit was in 1934. Met onvermoeide ywer het Graham Botha voortgegaan met die selfopgelegde taak om die argiewe in ruimer kring bekend te stel. In die beginjare het maar min navorsers die argief besoek en het Graham Botha in lesings en artikels die argief as 't ware na sy hoorders en lesers gebring. So was ook sy navorsingswerk in diens van die groei en bloei van die argief. Reëls is opgestel vir die gebruik van die argiewe deur studente en ander navorsers. Reeds in 1923 het sy Reëls en regulasies vir die gebruik van die argiewe deur die publiek in die Unie van Suid-Afrika verskyn en drie jaar later het hy regulasies in verband met die vernietiging van efemere materiaal opgestel. Daar moes ook gesorg word vir die veilige oorplasing van dokumente van die een argiefbewaarplaas na die ander. Onder sy toesig en leiding het in die dertigerjare 'n argiefbindery begin werk en in 1933 is die argivale filmdiens in die lewe geroep. Verder het 'n publikasie wat vir navorsers in die hele land van groot belang is, in 1928 verskyn, naamlik Die openbare argiewe van Suid-Afrika 1652-1910. As skrywer het Graham Botha sy hoogtepunt bereik gedurende die jare 1926 tot en met 1929. In 1926 het twee publikasies wat telkens herdruk is, die lig gesien, naamlik Social life in the Cape Colony in the 18th Century en Place names in the Cape Province. In 1962 het die firma C. Struik in oorleg met die skrywer sy belangrikste geskrifte uitgesoek en in drie mooi dele uitgegee as Collected Works. Deel i bevat historiese bydraes van algemene belang onder die titel Cape history and Social life; dele ii en iii onderskeidelik Cape law, medicine and place names en Archives and records of the Cape. In sy strewe om steeds op die hoogte van buitelandse vooruitgang en ontwikkeling te bly, het Graham Botha in 1938 weer 'n uitgebreide reis na die buiteland onderneem, eers na Europa en ook, met behulp van 'n Carnegie-toelae, na die Verenigde State en Kanada. Erkenning vir sy onvermoeide arbeid het nie uitgebly nie. In 1926 het die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika aan hom 'n m.a.-graad honoris causa toegeken en in 1943 het hy 'n eredoctoraat (ll.d.) van die Universiteit van Kaapstad ontvang. Die Universiteit van Witwatersrand het hom in 1952 op dieselfde wyse vereer. | |
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Nadat Dr. Botha op een-en-sestigjarige leeftyd as hoofargivaris afgetree het en afskeid geneem het van sy personeel wat in die Kaapse Argief alleen al tot 21 persone aangegroei het, kon hy hom aan ander lewenstake wy. As bevelvoerende offisier van die Duke of Edinburgh's Own Rifles het hy 'n rol gespeel in die verdedigingstelsel van sy land, veral omdat hy in die oorlogsjare van 1939 tot 1945 hoof van die werwingsafdeling in die Kasteel aan die Kaap was. Verder het hy Eerste Grootmeester van die Vrymesselaars in Suid-Afrika geword, nadat hulle van die organisasie in Nederland afgestig het. Daarbenewens het hy 'n belangrike rol gespeel in die Orde van St. Jan in Jerusalem en in die Orde van St. Lazarus van Jerusalem. Ook in die verenigingslewe het Graham Botha 'n leidende rol gespeel. So was hy twintig jaar lank voorsitter van die Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir die Behoud van Historiese Gedenkwaardighede en later ook van die Historiese Monumente-Vereniging. Ook was hy lid van die Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging ter Bevordering van die Wetenskap, waarvan hy in 1937 president geword het. As lewenslange president van die Heraldiese Genootskap van Suider-Afrika, as lid van die Kuratorium van die Michaelis-Kunsmuseum, as lid van die Komitee vir Oorlogsdokumentasie in Suider-Afrika en as lid van die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns het hy belangrike bydraes gelewer tot die ontwikkeling van die wetenskap in ons land. Ook in die buiteland - in Brittanje, Nederland en die v.s.a. - was hy lid van historiese en wetenskaplike genootskappe. Onder hulle was die Royal Historical Society van Londen, die Huguenot Society van Londen, die Genealogical Society van Londen, die Historisch Genootschap van Utrecht, die Vereniging van Archivarissen van Nederland, die Society of American Archivists en die Society of Antiquaries in Brittanje. As mens was dr. Botha altyd genaakbaar, altyd bereid om hulp te verleen aan die gewone student en aan die vakman wat sy advies ingeroep het. Gedurende sy laaste lewensjare het toenemende blindheid hom gekwel, 'n beproewing wat hy moedig gedra het. Op 20 November 1972 het hy in die Civil Service Club afskeid geneem van sy talryke vriende in Kaapstad om by sy oudste dogter in Johannesburg te gaan woon. Daar in die Noorde is hy oorlede, maar in Kaapstad, sy werklike tuiste, is hy deur 'n groot skaar van vriende en verteenwoordigers van die liggame wat hy gedien het, op indrukwekkende wyse ter ruste gelê. Hoewel Graham Botha as hoofargivaris die argiewe van die hele land | |
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beheer het, was die veilige bewaring, die bekendstelling en gebruik van die oudste dokumente van die land, waaronder die v.o.c.-dokumente, sy eerste en vernaamste lewensdoel. Die liefde vir hierdie dokumente, die eerbied vir die verlede, die kennis wat hy daarvan in sy lewe bereik het, het hy meegedeel aan almal wat met hom in aanraking gekom het.
a.j. böeseken | |
Voornaamste geschriftenGa naar voetnoot1Die wonings van ons voor-ouders in Oudtshoorn Courant, 5 Des. 1912. The medical profession at the Cape during the eighteenth century in s.a. Medical Record 10 (24), 28 Des. 1912, p.540. Onze voorouders in De Goede Hoop, 1 Julie 1913. ‘God's acre’ in Cape Argus, 10 Julie 1913. A Cape funeral in 1751 in Cape Argus, 16 Julie 1913. The Common and Statute Law at the Cape of Good Hope during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries in s.a. Law Journal 30, Aug. 1913. Extracts from registers of deaths at the Cape of Good Hope 1795-1815 in The Genealogist 29, 1913. The French refugees and the medical profession at the Cape of Good Hope in s.a. Medical Record 12 (5), 14 Maart 1914. Early Cape matrimonial law in s.a. Law Journal 31, Aug. 1914. Extracts of marriages at the Cape of Good Hope 1806-1821 in The Genealogist 30, 1914. Extracts of Baptism at the Cape of Good Hope 1810-1821 in The Genealogist 30, 1914. The Court of Vice-Admiralty in Cape Argus, 14 Sept. 1914. Extracts from the register of deaths at the Cape of Good Hope 1816-1826 in The Genealogist 32, 1915. The Supreme Medical Committee 1807 in s.a. Medical Record 13(6), 27 Maart 1915. Old Cape forms and ceremonies in The South African Quarterly, Junie-Aug. 1915. Criminal procedure at the Cape during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in s.a. Law Journal 32, Nov. 1915. The policing of town and village in the early days at the Cape in The Nongqai, Des. 1915. Some early exploring expeditions and travels in South Africa. Gedruk deur Cape Times, 1916. Social life in South Africa two centuries ago in s.a. Lady's Pictorial, Jan. 1916. Early inquests and post-mortems at the Cape 1652-1825 in s.a. Medical Record 14(4), Febr. 1916. An old Cape family. A South African fighting under Wellington in Peninsular War in Cape Times, 23 Julie 1916. The Honourable William Menzies 1795-1850, Senior Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope in s.a. Law Journal 33, Nov. 1916. Famous shipwrecks in Table Bay in Cape Argus, 23 Des. 1916. Intestate succession in s.a. Law Journal 34, Mai 1917. A voyage to the Cape in 1798 in Cape Times, 27 Julie 1917. | |
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Steenbras in Cape Times, 21 Aug. 1917. De Hugenoten in Zuid-Afrika in De Kerkbode, 18 Okt. 1917. Early Cape Laws - rigid enactments of Dutch East India Company in Cape Times, 3 Des. 1917. In the days of Father Tulbagh in Cape Argus, Xmas No., 1917. Travelling in the early days of the Cape in Annual of Mountain Club of s.a., 1917. Place names in the Cape district - their origin and history. Printed for the s.a. National Society for the Preservation of places of historical interest, Kaapstad, 1917. Sir John Andries Truter, ll.d. 1763-1845, Chief Justice of the Cape of Good Hope in s.a. Law Journal 35, Mei 1918. Pages from the past - old time customs, etc. in s.a. Railways and Harbours Magazine, Des. 1918. A brief guide to the various classes of documents in the Cape Archives for the period 1652-1806. Gedruk deur Cape Times, Kaapstad 1918. Early Cape Land tenure in s.a. Law Journal 36, Mei-Aug. 1919, pp. 149-160, 225-233. The grain and wool stores at Mossel and Plettenberg Bay respectively, 1786 in George and Knysna Herald, 4 Junie 1919. The origin of Government departments at the Cape in The Service, Julie 1919. The material available for early South African history in The South African Quarterly, Des. 1919. Castle Cup (F.E. Fowle) in The Castle, Cape Town, 1919. The French refugees at the Cape. Uitgegee deur Cape Times Ltd, 1919. Historical Research in South Africa, with special reference to the Cape Archives in s.a. Journal of Science 15(3), Okt.-Des. 1919, pp.177-185. In the days of slavery in Cape Argus, 18 Nov. 1922. A wedding in bygone days in Cape Argus, 9 Des. 1922. The early development of South Africa in s.a. Journal of Science 19, Des. 1922, pp. 13-16. Early history of the Cape Province as illustrated by Dutch Place names in s.a. Journal of Science 19, Des. 1922, pp. 431-438. The peninsula and Hottentots Holland bartered for £9.12.9d. in Cape Argus, 20 Jan. 1923. Prices in the eighteenth century in s.a. Journal of Science 20, 1923, pp. 552-554. Early settles in the Oudtsboorn district in Oudtshoorn Courant, 21 Des. 1923. Early influence of the English Law upon the Roman Dutch Law in South Africa in s.a. Law Journal 40, 1923, pp.396-406. The dispersion of the Stock farmer in the Cape Colony in the eighteenth century in s.a. Journal of Science 20, 1923, pp. 574-580. Where undertakers hold exhibitions (A South African in the States) in Cape Argus, 29 Maart 1924. When a South African goes to the States in Cape Argus, 12 April 1924. What a South African learns in America in Cape Argus, 26 April 1924. Iets oor Ou Kaapstad in Die Boervrou, Junie 1924. Louis Michel Thibault 1750-1815 in Architect Builder and Engineer, Junie 1924. Ou gewoontes in die Kaap in Die Huisgenoot, 27 Junie 1924. Instructions for the Surgeons on the Dutch East Indiamen in the seventeenth century in s.a. Medical Record 22(20), 1924, pp.479-480. Vicissitudes of Old Supreme Court Building, in Cape Argus, 4 Okt. 1924. | |
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Early legal practitioners of the Cape Colony in s.a. Law Journal (41), 1924, pp.255-262. Note on early veld burning in the Cape Colony in s.a. Journal of Science (21), 1924, pp.351-352. Early Civil Service Commissions in The Public Servants Magazine, Des. 1924. The Public Archives - their value to scientific research in s.a. Journal of Science (21), 1924, pp.120-130. Pomp and Ceremony at the Cape; early sumptuary Laws in Cape Argus, Xmas Number, 1919. Civil Service hours of long ago in The Service, Jan. 1920. The preservation of our National Monuments in s.a. Journal of Science 18, 1-2 Des. 1920. The League of Nations at Geneva in s.a. Railways and Harbours Magazine, Maart 1921. A tombstone of two centuries ago in Cape Times, 11 Junie 1921. Records of the early history of South Africa. Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, London 1921. The French refugees at the Cape, 2de druk, Kaapstad 1921. Report of a visit to the various archives in Europa, Unites States of America and Canada. Government Printers, Pretoria 1921. Verslag van 'n besoek aan verskeie argiewe in Europa, die Verenigde State van Amerika en Kanada. Staatsdrukker, Pretoria 1921. The flat-roofed house in old Cape Town in Architect, Builder and Engineer, Nov. 1921. Early inferior courts of justice at the Cape in s.a. Law Journal 38, Nov. 1921, pp.406-423. The preservation of our National Monuments in s.a. Journal of Science 18, Des. 1921, pp.195-196. Early agricultural societies at the Cape of Good Hope in Province Agricultural Society, Maart 1922. Jonkheer Gerard Beelaerts van Blokland (1772-1843) Attorney-General at the Cape 1803-1806 in s.a. Law Journal 39 ii, 1922, pp.147-153. Historical review of the Lodge ‘De Goede Hoop’. Deur Citadel Press, Kaapstad 1922. Home life in the early days at the Cape in Our Home, 1 Julie 1922. Archival problems in South Africa in s.a. Journal of Science 18 (3-4), 1922. Place names in the Cape district - their origin and history. Printed for the s.a. Society for the preservation of places of historical interest, Kaapstad 1922. Exiled princes at the Cape - Robben Island a convict settlement - the story of Sheikh Joseph in Cape Argus, 23 Sept. 1922. Early forms of punishment in Cape Argus, 14 Okt. 1922. Gewoontes van ons voorouers in Die Boervrou, Jan. 1925. Michell's Pass in Cape Times, 20 Febr. 1925. Tourists of other days in Cape Times, 17 April 1925. Along the Peninsula Roads in Cape Times, 21 Aug. 1925. Severe Punishments; early Criminal records of the Cape in Cape Argus 29 Aug. 1925. Some wayside history in Cape Times, 11 Sept. 1925. Social Customs in South Africa during the 18th Century in s.a. Journal of Science (22), 1925, pp.540-551. The distribution of South African fauna in relation to place names in s.a. Journal of Science (22), 1925, pp. 537-539. | |
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Archives of the Cape of Good Hope in Official Yearbook of s.a. 7, 1925, pp.5-6. The history of early discovery and exploration in South Africa 1652-1795 in Official Yearbook of s.a. 7, 1925, pp.11-20. Roads a century ago; a 1824 report in Cape Times, 2 April 1926. An eighteenth century romance of the Cape in Cape Times, 3 April 1926. Cape Town's early industries, ninety years ago, in Cape Times, 10 April 1926. Ostentation and extravagance barred in Cape Times, 17 April 1926. Callings and business of Cape Town in Cape Times, 24 April 1926. The construction of Sir Lowry's Pass in Cape Times, 7 Mei 1926. Early streets of Cape Town in Cape Times, 8 Mei 1926. Press gleanings in other days in Cape Times, 15 Mei 1926. A central road board at work in 1844 in Cape Times, 28 Mei 1926. Early Place names of the Cape in Cape Times, 29 Mei 1926. A central road board: eighty years ago: a boom in bridge building in Cape Times, 4 Junie 1926. ‘Outspans’ in Cape Times, 11 Junie 1926. Salvage at the Cape in the early days in Cape Times, 12 Junie 1926. Market places of the Cape in Cape Times, 26 Junie 1926. Roads and Trekpaths in Cape Times, 2 Julie 1926. Ons Monumente in Die Huisgenoot, 9 Julie 1926. A Central Road Board: Activities in 1847 in Cape Times, 23 Julie 1926. Capital Punishment at the Cape in Cape Times, 31 Julie 1926. Brethern of the Coast (From the story of Guillaume Chenut) in Cape Times 4 Aug. 1926. s.a. Coastal place names in Cape Times, 7 Aug. 1926. Roads in 1848: opening of Michell's Pass and birth of Ceres in Cape Times, 13 Aug. 1926. The Canals of Cape Town - early street history in Cape Times, 4 Sept. 1926. Some Road History in Cape Times, 3 Sept. 1926. Under the ‘Jolly Roger’. Pirates in Table Bay Cape Times, 4 Sept. 1926. A holiday on wheels in Cape Times, 8 Okt. 1926. Legislation of other days in Cape Times, 23 Okt. 1926. A naval action in Table Bay in Cape Times, 6 Nov. 1926. Some Early expeditions. Blazing the Trail in Cape Times 12 Nov. 1926. Early Road-making in Cape Times, 10 Des. 1928. Social Life in the Cape. Uitgegee deur Juta & Co., Kaapstad 1926. Place Names in the Cape Province. Uitgegee deur Juta & Co., Kaapstad 1926. Some early industries in Cape Times, 8 Jan. 1927. Ascent of Table Mountain in 1665 in Cape Times, 29 Jan. 1927. A great heritage: Groote Schuur in s.a. Woman's Magazine, Maart 1927. The Heerengracht, 1927. Early Postal system in s.a. in Cape Times, 19 Maart 1927. Van Riebeeck's Day in Cape Times, 6 April 1927. The Father of the mother city in Cape Argus, 6 April 1927. Romance of early place names in Cape Times, 15 April 1927. Incidents in Cape History in Cape Times, 14 Mei 1927. The Voortrekkers in Cape Argus, 4 Junie 1927. Early racing at the Cape in Cape Times, 25 Junie 1927. | |
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Links with St. Helena in Cape Times, 2 Julie 1927. Survivors of an early wreck in Cape Times, 13 Aug. 1927. Housing s.a. Archives: the new building at Bloemfontein in Cape Times, 10 Aug. 1927. Echoes of the past: an army surgeon's experiences in s.a. Cape Times, 27 Aug. 1927. The Lutheran Church in Cape Times, 10 Sept. 1927. The early history of Worcester in Cape Times, 20 Sept. 1927. A Europeans Life among the Kaffirs in the seventeenth century in Cape Times, 24 Sept. 1927. Stellenbosch: glimpses into its early history in Cape Times, 18 Okt. 1927. Swellendam: a glance at its early history in Cape Times, 20 Okt. 1927. A European's life among the Kaffirs in the seventeenth century in Cape Times, 26 Okt. 1927. The wreck of the Stavenisse in Cape Times, 29 Okt. 1927. Cape Town in the old days in Cape Times, 22 Nov. 1927. Some early landmarks of the Cape in s.a. Railways and Harbour Magazine, Des. 1927. The adventures of John Benbow in Cape Times, 17 Des. 1927. How Graaff-Reinet got its name in Cape Times, 20 Des. 1927. Christmas and New Year of other days in Cape Times supplement, 24 Des. 1927. A pirate who visited South Africa in Cape Times Supplement, 24 Des. 1927. Who are the six greatest men in s.a. History? in The Outspan, 30 Des. 1927. Early postal service in Cape Times, 30 Des. 1927. Archives and records in Official yearbook of s.a. 8, 1925-1927 (Uitgegee in 1927). Out of de Mist (Uitenhage) in Cape Times, 5 jan. 1928. Do opportunities recur? in The Outspan, 10 Febr. 1928. 276 years ago to-day in Cape Times, 6 April 1928. Beginnings of Tulbagh in Cape Times, 7 April 1928. Early history of St. Helena in Cape Times, 30 Junie 1928. Agriculture at the Cape in Cape Times, 7 Julie 1928. Early business methods in Cape Times, 28 Julie 1928. The birth of Somerset-West in Cape Times, 16 Aug. 1928. YoHoHo and a bottle of rum in Cape Times, 18 Aug. 1928. Dassen Island in the early days in Cape Times, 22 Aug. 1928. History of Robben Island in Cape Times, 1 Sept. 1928. An old cry - South Africa's first hard roads in Cape Times, 21st Sept. 1928. The Public Archives of South Africa 1652-1910. Gedruk deur Cape Times, Kaapstad, 1928. Records of the Cape of Good Hope 1806-1814 in Official Yearbook of s.a. 9, 1926-1927 (Uitgegee in 1928). In the days of Van Riebeeck in Cape Argus, 6 April 1929. Van Riebeeck's Day - landmarks of the 17th century in Cape Times, 6 April 1929. South Africa's first hotels - an interesting historical survey in The catering Trade's Journal, Junie 1929. The rise of the tearoom-Cafe, a revolution in urban social customs in The catering Trade's Journal, Junie 1929. How Cape Town became known as the tavern of the seas in The Outspan, 12 Julie 1929. French Hoek Pass - ‘we want good roads’ - a century-old cry in Cape Times, 4 Okt. 1929. Du Toit's Kloof Pass. Early Road-making schemes which failed in Cape Times, 15 Nov. 1929. | |
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Bygone busses - road transportation services in pre-railway days in Cape Times, 29 Nov. 1929. How Australia got a start - ‘First merino's from the Cape’ in Cape Times, 29 Nov. 1929. The Huguenots in South Africa in Proceeding of the Huguenot Society of London 13(6), 1929. Pirates at the Cape of Good Hope - How the burghers captured Captain Tew in Cape Times, 14 Des. 1929. Christmas in Cape Town 100 years ago in Cape Times, 17 Des. 1929. In the days of windjammers and shellbacks. A voyage to the Cape in 1798 in The Outspan, 20 Des. 1928. Public Archives and the Records of the Cape of Good Hope in Official Yearbook of s.a. 10, 1929. Early Road communications in Official yearbook of South Africa ii, 1930, pp.747-748. History of place names. When silkworms breed in Spin-street in Cape Times, 1 Febr. 1930. The founding of Cape Town in Cape Times, 8 April 1930. Geskiedenis van die drukpers maatskappy Van der Sandt de Villiers & kie in Ons Land, 8 April 1930. The maker of Dover's powder; an interesting glimps of early s.a. History in The Outspan, 30 Mei 1930. Place names of South Africa's Coast in Cape Times, 7 Junie 1930. Union's six oldest towns - perpetuating names of governors in Cape Times, 26 Junie 1930. The old Order changes in The Headlight, Junie 1930. The century of Sir Lowry's Pass. When waggons were unloaded and goods carried by slaves in Cape Times, 4 Julie 1930. How the Roeland Street Goal came to be built in Cape Times, 13 Aug. 1930. Early road laws - parking problems 120 years ago in Cape Times, 5 Sept. 1930. The early days of Robben Island - rabbit farm and convict settlement in Cape Times, 10 Des. 1930. When pirates chased their victims into Table Bay in Cape Argus, 20 Des. 1930. A brief historical note on ‘Hemel and Aarde’ in s.a. Journal of Science 27, 1930, p.576. An 18th century Ms. on agricultural improvement at the Cape in s.a. Journal of Science 27, 1930, pp. 673-575. Zeekoe Vlei. History of a popular resort, in Cape Times, 10 Jan. 1931. Road and Rail transport. Wynberg bus competition of ninety years ago in Cape Times, 22 Jan. 1931. The Central Road Board 1843-1858. History which is repeating itself to-day in Cape Times, 23 Jan. 1931. Eighteenth century farming at the Cape. A treasure from the Union Archives in Cape Times, 7 Maart 1931. Adderley street sign. Relic of old Cape Town in museum in Cape Times, 31 Maart 1931. The valley of the Huguenots in British South Africa Annual, Des. 1931. Early coaching days. Road transportation services of a century ago in Cape Times, 26 Febr. 1932. Treasure hunting in the old days in The Outspan, 29 April 1932. What do you do when you get the ‘Blues’ in The Outspan, 16 Sept. 1932. Advertising over 100 years in Cape Times, 21 Okt. 1932. | |
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How to make people dislike you in The Outspan, 25 Nov. 1932. Then and now in the Mother city - Life in old Cape Town in Cape Times Annual, 1932. The Historic Peninsula in British s.a. Annual, Des. 1932. The Cape Supreme Court in s.a. Law Journal 49, 1932, pp.453-461. Brethern of the coast - the story of an encounter with a pirate in South African waters in the Outspan, 14 Julie 1933. Jewish pioneers in South Africa. Merchants and traders who helped to open up the country in Cape Times, 21 Sept. 1933. In the days of slavery at the Cape in British s.a. Annual, Des. 1933. Early history of mining in South Africa in Official Yearbook of s.a. 15, 1934, pp.28-30. Early road administration at the Cape in Official yearbook of s.a. 14, 1933, pp.11-14. The smelly old days: when the ‘Cape Doctor’ was a boon in Cape Times, 16 Junie 1934. Another early reformer of Cape affairs in The Outspan, 13 Julie 1934. An exiled prince at the Cape in The Outspan, 17 Aug. 1934. The first South African to be made a knight in The Outspan, 28 Sept. 1934. Early juvenile affairs in South Africa in The Careers Guide, Aug. 1934. Past and future of Robben Island in Cape Times, 7 Nov. 1934. South Africa's oldest Export Industry - the history of wine farming at the Cape in Cape Times Annual, Des. 1934. Early Road making in South Africa in The South Africa Annual, Des. 1934. The development of printing and newspaper publication in the Union in Official Year Book of s.a. 16, 1934, pp.32-33. The old windmill - Groote Schuur in s.a. Miller and Grain Trader, Feb. 1935. A voyage to Europe in 1751 in The Outspan, 3 Mei 1935. Our Archives in Public Service, Mei-Des. 1935. Windjammers and Shellbacks at the Cape in British South Africa Annual, Des. 1935. An eighteenth century Law Library in s.a. Law Journal, 52. 1935, pp.169-180. The fascination of old maps in Cape Times, 18 Jan. 1936. 1796-1936. Groote Schuur Mill in s.a. Baker and Miller, March 1936. Quaint early customs at the Cape in Cape Supplement, April 1936. Dr. Samuel Bailey, the Cape's hospital Pioneer in Cape Times, 30 April 1936. The men who trekked in Escom, Des. 1936. Old Dutch weights and measures at the Cape in The Outspan, 14 Aug. 1936. John Macadam (maker of modern roads) died 100 years ago in Cape Times, 4 Des. 1936. Hectic new years of the old days in The Outspan, 1 Jan. 1937. To making one blue frock coat - four guineas in The Outspan, 19 Feb. 1937. The early Highways of South Africa in The Outspan, 21 Mei 1937. Early road transport in South Africa in The Outspan, 23 Junie 1937. The science of Archives in South Africa in s.a. Journal of Science 34, 1937, pp.1-17. Our South Africa Past and Present - Ons Suid-Afrika voorheen en tans. A graphic and entertaining story dealing with men and matters concerning South Africa from its first discovery by the great Portuguese Navigators up to the present day. Uitgegee deur die United Tobacco Co. Bedruk deur die Cape Times Ltd., Kaapstad, 1938. The Pioneer in Die Staatsamptenaar, Des. 1938. Seereis van Hugenote na die Kaap in Paarl Post, 11 Aug. 1939. | |
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Die Kaapse Hugenote. Gedruk deur Nasionale Pers, Kaapstad 1939. The Civil Service Club 1858-1938 in The Club, Kaapstad 1939. The Castle of Good Hope in The Nongqai, pp.643-647, Junie 1944. Early defence system in South Africa in The Nongqai, Aug. 1944, pp.899-901. The Public Prosecutor of early days in The Nongqai, Sept. 1944, pp.1079-1080. Volunteers of the Nineteenth century in The Nongqai, Okt. 1944, pp.1155-1156. Medicine in the early days at the Cape in Souvenir brochure of the 37th medical congress at Cape Town, 1945. The early French refugees brought honour and prosperity to our country in The Outspan, 13 April 1945. A century of gas in Cape Times, 8 Okt. 1945. They had a ‘rule of the road’ in ox-waggon days in Cape Times Weekend Magazine, 16 Maart 1946. The preservation of our historical monuments in The Monitor, 15 Maart 1946. When Robinson Crusoe visited South Africa in Radio Week, 22 Maart 1946. Familiewapens in Die Huisgenoot, 12 April 1946. The Huguenots in Cape Times Week-end Magazine, 13 April 1946. Royal visitors to the Cape in Cape Times Week-end Magazine, 7 Aug. 1946. The first public hospital in South Africa in Health and Medicine, Junie 1946. Mauritius and the Cape in Cape Times, 31 Aug. 1946. Old Cape buildings in Cape Times Week-end Magazine, 7 Sept. 1946. ‘The Cape doctor’ in Cape Times, 26 Okt. 1946. From sail to steam in Cape Times Week-end Magazine, Children's Supplement, 23 Nov. 1946. The birth of printing in South Africa in Cape Times, 7 Sept. 1946. Christmas and New Year in old Cape Town in Cape Times Week-end Magazine, 21 Des. 1946. Old Cape Town. Where was the passer? in Cape Times, 18 Jan. 1947. First breakwater and docks in Cape Town in Cape Times, 18 Jan. 1947. Genealogical records of the Province of the Cape of Good Hope in Genealogist's Magazine 10 (4), Des. 1947. Taking a new look at the Union. Exploration - Settlement - Transport in The Voter, Aug. 1949. Some monumental inscriptions at the Cape of Good Hope in Genealogists Magazine, 10 (13), Maart 1950. The Cape Hospital Board 1913-1949 with a survey of hospital developments in the Cape Peninsula from early times. Gedruk deur Blackshaw & Sons, Kaapstad, 1950 (In beperkte oplaag, nie in die handel nie). Further Monumental inscriptions at the Cape of Good Hope in Genealogist' Magazine 11 (1), Maart 1951. The Castle of the Cape in Silver Leaves, 1952, pp.35-39. The First Home Guard in Silver Leaves, 1950, pp.116-117. 300 Years: Van Riebeeck Festival. Gedruk deur Cilliers de Wet, Johannesburg, 1950. Die ou Kaapse Parlement in Suid-Afrika, Okt. 1954. The History of the Castle at the Cape of Good Hope in Lantern 7 (3), Maart 1958, pp.214-217. | |
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The Somerset Hospital celebrates its hundredth birthday. Gedruk deur Nasionale Handelsdrukkery, Elsiesrivier, 1959 (in beperkte oplaag, nie vir die handel nie). The Old Supreme Court Building, Cape Town in Lantern 11 (3), Maart 1962, pp.32-38. Van April 1918 tot Maart 1920 het maandelikse artikels verskyn in Motoring oor die geskiedenis van paaie, berge, passe, stede en dorpe. In 1962 het die Firma C. Struik Graham Botha se belangrikste geskrifte in drie dele uitgegee onder die titel Collected Works (Part i: Cape History and Social Life; Part ii: Cape Law, Medicine and Place Names en Part iii: Archives and Records of the Cape). |