Conference registration website Werkgroep 18e eeuw (Dutch-Belgian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies): or to secretariat of the congress: attn. Dr Lex Raat, Corneillelaan 22, 3533 CW Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Admission fee Friday January 20, 2012: € 15,- (students and AIO € 10,-). The price includes lunch, coffee, tea and reception Groningen town hall.
Admission fee Saturday January 21, 2012: € 25,- (students and AIO € 15,-). The price includes lunch, coffee, tea.
After registration the costs of the admission fee have to be paid to the Werkgroep 18e eeuw in Utrecht: girorekening 5533514, please mention name, day(s) of participation and ‘conference 2012’.
Participants from Belgium can use Postcheque 000-1714065-75, please mention name, day(s) of participation and ‘conference 2012’.
International payments by bank transfer: ING bank, IBAN NL09INGB0005533514 and BIC INGBNL2A. Please mention name, day(s) of participation and ‘conference 2012’.
For hotel reservations please consult the website of the Werkgroep 18e eeuw: